Landscape photography in Val d’Orcia

Landscape photography in the Orcia Valley

A relaxing day enjoying the beauty of the Orcia Valley

Saturday from 10.30 am to 8.15 pm

Walking difficulty: easy

In this workshop you will really enjoy the beauty of Orcia Valley. We will spend the whole day in some of the most beautiful spots for landscape photography, alternating action and relax. Among the destinations are the Rocca di Radicofani, with its stunning panorama and Bagno Vignoni - a small village in the heart of the Val d’Orcia national park. This place was the location for Tarkovskij’s Nostalghia, a very poetic black and white movie filmed in 1982. We will finish the day taking pictures of the circle of cypress trees near San Quirico and the beautiful narrow road with cypress trees on both sides of Poggio Covili.


Cost of the workshop:

190€ per person

Entrance ticket to the Rocca:

4€ to be paid on location



Meeting point

Strada della Vittoria 90, Pienza (Si)

43°01'42.4"N 11°46'29.1"E
43.028446, 11.7747

It's about six chilometres from Chianciano Terme, going west toward the Val d'Orcia, and very close to La Foce - Chiarentana. If you come from Chianciano you will see the Dopolavoro La Foce on the right inside, the parking lot is at the opposite side of the street. If you come from Bagno Vignoni or Radicofani you will find the Dopolavoro La Foce on your left.